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Prodotto n.: 56494

Mini Globo La Terra

$ 54,00 IVA incl. più spese di spedizione
in magazzino
spedibile in 24 ore + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

Prego, tenga presente che questo prodotto è in inglese

Purtroppo, questa descrizione non è stato tradotto in italiano, in modo da trovare a questo punto una descrizione inglese.

You can have the whole world in your hand with our new 6-inch (15-cm) Earth globe.

  • The mosaic used for this globe incorporates the Natural Earth 2 database, created by cartographers worldwide. It portrays our planet in an idealized, cloud-free perspective with little human influence. No geopolitical boundaries are shown.
  • Earth’s continents appear with coloring that is suggestive of the regional environment. For example, Greenland and Antarctica appear white to denote their deep covering of ice and snow. Deserts have tan hues, plains appear light to medium green, and tropical regions are dark green. Shaded relief has been added to make major mountain ranges readily apparent.
  • The oceans appear transparent to reveal many of the geologic features on their floors; major spreading centers and convergence zones are associated with plate tectonism. This constant but gradual overturn of crustal plates, and the volcanic activity that occurs at plate boundaries, is driven by heat escaping from Earth’s interior.

The globe comes with a freestanding, clear plastic base and an information card describing key Earth facts and how the globe was made.



Diametro (cm)
Tecnica di fabbricazione
Modello da tavolo


Mappe non illuminate


Mappamondo celeste
Mini mappamondo

Sicurezza del prodotto


Accessori raccomandati

Microscopi (1)
Lente d`Ingrandimento

Carson Lente d'ingrandimento 2,5x (90 mm) con manico e spot 5x

$ 12,90*
Cura & Pulizia (1)

Omegon Panno in microfibra SPUDZ

$ 14,90*

*Tutti i prezzi includono IVA e costi di spedizione.

Sky-Publishing Mini Globo La Terra
Sky-Publishing Mini Globo La Terra

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