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Filtro > Filtro Nebulare > Filtri Banda Larga > Antlia > Antlia Filtro Quad Band Anti-Light Pollution 2''
Prodotto n.: 85445

Filtro Quad Band Anti-Light Pollution 2''

a breve termine
spedibile in 3-5 settimane + Tempo di trasporto

Descrizione prodotto

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The Antlia Quad Band Anti-Light Pollution Filter is a light suppression filter for color and monochrome cameras. It is able to shoot most deep sky objects like galaxies, reflection nebulae, emission nebula, and star clusters from a Bortle 8 location to Bortle 1, as its spectral transmission passes through through the visible light region, as well as near-ultraviolet (NUV) and near-infrared (NIR) regions.

Antlia Quad Band filter has a broad bandpass designed to cope with faster optics up to the f/2 focal ratio.

Considering the high quantum efficiency (QE) characteristics of the latest cameras in the near-infrared region and this region is less susceptible to artificial light pollution, the Antlia Quad Band Light-Pollution Filter adds high transmission in the near-infrared (NIR) band. This spectrum design improves image signal-to-noise ratio and contrast by capturing signals in visible bands and NIR region, while also maintaining ood color balance and being easier to manage in post-processing.

Certain full-spectrum objects like M51, M83 possess significant signal in the near-infrared (NIR) region, you can possibly capture these deep sky objects more contrasted with the Antlia Quad Band filter under light polluted condition. When using this filter with a camera that has UV/IR cut protective glass, the visible band transmission signal is retained, but the IR cut limits your ability to capture targets with infrared signal. Therefore, the Antlia Quad Band filter is more suitable for cameras with AR protective glass, as they can capture both NIR and visible band signals.



Rivestimento dell'ottica
Accuratezza della superficie
> 1/4



Campi di utilizzo

Utile per fotografia
Utilizzabile per osservazioni visuali
Nebulose e Galassie
Anti-inquinamento luminoso
Galassie ed ammassi stellari
Nebulose planetarie
Nebulose ad emissione
Antlia Filtro Quad Band Anti-Light Pollution 2''
Antlia Filtro Quad Band Anti-Light Pollution 2''

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